Mindshift method
You have no desire to go backwards so there is no point looking there.
Learn from it and move on.
Whether it be intervention, strategy, change or whatever you decide to LABEL IT, ULTIMATELY SUCCESS IS DERIVED FROM DIFFERENT THINKING AND DOING. It is about advancing through a mind shift - a willing ability to step outside of your comfort zone. To see, think, plan and act differently.
Different seeing
The baseline
/ Historical metrics and trends.
/ What to start-stop-keep doing.
Crystal ball
/ The extent the industry will shift
/ The extent we will need to adapt
Different Thinking
Your why
/ Our reason for being in business
/ Values and behaviour expectations
Tactical Response
/ Specific implementation framework.
/ Align internal capability & operations.
Different planning & Acting
Measure Success
/ Quantifying success with data.
/ The ability to pivot if we need.
Critical mass
/ Have the external environment invest.
/ Keep your revenue sources close.
New normal
/ Rewarding compliance and achievement.
/ Success by improvement
Method complete